About image
This website aims to function as an information tool for patients diagnosed with brain tumours. It also aims to work as a user friendly communication interface, for patients who seek a consultation for a newly diagnosed brain tumour or a second opinion.
Our aim is to present common scenarios of brain tumours and their surgical and oncological management in lay terms, so the information we provide is easy to understand by anybody. 

The last section of this site aims to function as a platform where patients who went through this pathway have the opportunity to express how they experienced their diagnosis, operation, recovery, and oncological treatment. They can also post their charity activities, or talk about their coping strategies. The material posted in this section is owned by the patients. Our patients can remove it or update the content any time. 

On the left Prof Puneet Plaha, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Consultant Oncological Neurosurgeon, Oxford University Hospitals. On the right Mr Vasileios Apostolopoulos, Consultant Oncological Neurosurgeon, Oxford University Hospitals.
We are both British trained neurosurgeons currently working at the prestigious John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. Our work is strictly focused on brain tumour surgery. Individually and as a team we are among the surgeons with the highest number of brain tumours operations and awake operations per year in the UK.

For our private patients we collaborate with Genesis Care Oxford for state of the art preoperative imaging, and postoperative radiotherapy. We carry out most of our private operations at Wellington Hospital London.

We operate all our NHS patients at our base hospital, John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford.

We can see private patients in Oxford at Genesis Care Oxford and in London at Platinum Medical Centre.

We collaborate with all major insurance companies.

We contribute to research: https://future-gb.octru.ox.ac.uk/, and we also support charities for brain tumour research https://www.brainstormcharity.co.uk/.